“I believe in functional organization. My functional organization does not involve any color schemes or rainbows. I will provide you with functional organization that you can easily use day-in and day-out.”

Why Magic Mike’s?

knack (noun)

1. a special skill, talent, or aptitude;

2. a clever or adroit way of doing something

Hello! I’m Mike and I have to admit that I have a knack. I have a knack for spatial awareness as it pertains to putting things in their proper place and space.

Being raised as an Air Force brat in the household of a full-bird colonel gave me a good start in learning organization and I followed that up with my own stint in the U.S. Army. 

I never really noticed my knack but it kept popping up as I was always being asked to take the lead in loading someone’s moving truck or I was put in charge of organizing my employer’s paperwork and files. It was always someone’s shed needed organizing or someone’s garage needed “cleaning out”. To me, doing organizing jobs like those came natural. I thought everyone could do it. It took me a while to figure out that everyone didn’t possess my “knack”.

After years of organizing for myself, friends, and family, I decided (with much urging from friends) to start Magic Mike’s Organizing in order to help others tame their clutter and chaos.

Call me for a free phone consultation. Let’s talk.