An MMO Project

Lisa contacted me about a storage problem in her shed. The shed had a loft that was packed full and overflowing with outdoor supplies and seasonal items. Yes, it was full of clutter!


Lisa B.

Project Type

Storage shed

As you can see from the picture on the left, the loft was unorganized and cluttered. So, what we did was utilize the other end of the shed and built another loft. This space above the door was not being used and was a perfect spot for additional storage space. The picture below shows the completed addition.

This picture above is the original loft and it is much more organized and the clutter is gone.

And, this picture above is the new loft. As you can see, this overhead loft is functional and organized. The best part is that we were able to use space that was already there and available so, now that everything is organized, Lisa can easily find what she needs.

Contact Magic Mike’s Organizing